Solfeggio Tuning Forks set of 9 with swivel bases
Solfeggio Tuning Forks set of 9 with swivel bases
Solfege is a method used to assign syllables to notes in a scale so singers can recognize intervals. The first recorded use of Solfeggio intervals used in music was seen in the 8th century A.D in a Gregorian Chant. Eastern cultures had an equivalent system to the Solfeggio called the sagram for that was used for thousands of years prior to the Gregorian chants in their songs and chanting. Singing and chanting in unison with these notes historically have brought about emotional and spiritual transformation.
Pythagorean tuning resonates deeply with nature. The fundamental notes of this tuning system correlate with the Shumann Resonance of the earth 7.5-8.2 hz., also known as “the rhythm of the earth”. Different scales from this period have their fundamental note in this range which was movable (“a tonic”) dependent upon the what felt right to the musician and the audience at the time. Our music has changed over the years to have less fluctuation and nuance. Expanding your mind to include different scales and tones helps consciousness deepen. Your body will naturally entrain to these unique tones and start shifting as well.
Solfeggios are is rooted in numerology. All frequencies add up to a 3, 6, or 9. This is of importance because these numbers are associated with manipulating matter on a molecular level. Nicola Tesla shared, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration (3, 6, and 9)”.
Missing Solfeggio Frequencies. There are 3 additional Solfeggio frequencies brought to our awareness in the 1970’s: 174 hz, 285 hz, and 963 hz., traditionally associated to crown chakra, tissue repair, and pain reduction. Scientific research is continually revealing new findings in sound healing but has yet to corroborate these particular uses. However, when frequency is used with love, changes are proven to occur at the cellular level. I refer you to Fabian Maman’s beautiful work The Tao of Sound.
Each fork can be used on its corresponding chakra. All forks are used in unison for the crown chakra or add the missing frequencies for above and below the body. Crystal tuners can be used for a crown fork as well but are not considered part of the solfeggio series. They can also be used intuitively on different chakras as each chakra holds all frequencies, just a predominance of one.
Ut: 396 hz, Red fork, Root chakra
Re: 417 hz, Orange fork, Sacral chakra
Mi: 528 hz, Gold fork, Solar plexus chakra
Fa: 639 hz, Green fork, Heart chakra
Sol: 741 hz, Blue fork, Throat chakra
La: 852 hz, Purple fork, Third eye chakra
There is quite a bit of interest in the Solfeggio tones being used for the benefit of our mass consciousness at this challenging time in our history. With that interest comes lots of misinformation. Please use your heart to discern what is true for you. I personally have used all 9 of these frequencies in my practice daily for a decade and have seen so many lives radically transformed.
For further information from a musical perspective I refer you
I have also listed several studies on the Sound Healing Research tab on this website for you as well
Swivels are included as they help keep the practitioner neutral
12.5” x 4.5” x 2” / 1.48 lbs