My Amazing CranioSacral Sound Healing with Dolphins


for many years I had dreamed of this training…

Finally this past June 2024 - I did it! I attended the BioAquatic CranioSacral training with Dolphin Assistance through Upledger Institute in Freeport, Bahamas. I had been studying all different aspects of CranioSacral care with this organization since 2007 and this was my big goal!

I took the plunge.

My work as a Sound Healing Educator as well as a CranioSacral Therapist really set me up for success with this experience. I knew that dolphins have long been revered in numerous cultures as keepers of the sound current. This is the sound that strings us all together and helps us heal. I had no idea how true this was though. THEY ARE THE MASTERS. Actually, all cetaceans (dolphins, whales, and porpoises) are phenomenal at sound healing.

Here's how they do it! First, the leader of the pod scans our pod, collectively and individually. The sound comes out of their melon (forehead) to do this. Think, mammalian MRI. They can pick up both physical and emotional restrictions with this technique. It feels pretty eerie. Then messages are sent via sound to the entire dolphin group doing the healing work. Research with cymascope technology reveals that the sound messages they send to one another are actually 3d pictures! The dolphins then disperse and get right to work.

They swim right to the floating clients in the water that are being supported by CranioSacral practitioners that have blended and melded their consciousness to the healing process. They then direct their beautiful sound to the recipients in need. It feels so amazing.

Here’s my specific story to share. I was not the best swimmer to start and I was rather worried about sinking in the deep water actually. I tried to cover my emotions by saying a super-lame affirmation of, “I am peace”, in a high pitched wobbly inner voice. This is when the magic happened though. I had to bring up my fear in my body first, it was all part of the big picture.

Two dolphins swam to me. One (named Nina) positioned herself underneath me so I would feel supported. I then heard my inner affirmation change to “I am love”… in a deep rich relaxed tone. It was like someone else changed my my radio station in my head. In the meantime, the baby dolphin (named Maya) directed sound straight through the vertex of my head. It reverberated right down my spine. It was quite loud. Dolphins have a much wider range of hearing and speech than humans. Humans can hear 20-20,000 hz, dolphins can hear 2-200,000 hz.

Through this sound I had an immediate full recall of an accident to my head when I was 13 that had never fully healed. I saw the whole scene and felt the emotions like I was there. This memory had been buried in my cervical vertibrae for 43 years. It was the reason I hyper-protected my head and why I didn’t swim well, along with a host of other issues.

When I was able to connect with this blockage I felt the energy surge out of my hands and feet like lightning into the water! My hands were shaking when I reluctantly came back to the dock. Later that afternoon I had a team of very talented therapists help me through the final details of this healing while floating me in a soothing pool. I felt profoundly grateful for their care.

It has been 2 months since I have returned from this powerful experience. How has it shaped me? Well, I have much more rotation of my neck. I feel complete with the healing of that whole accident. I also…can swim like a fish! Previously, I had a phobia of putting my face under and jeopardizing my head.

How has it shaped my work? Here is the really interesting thing. The dolphin pod I got to know and love created a special connection energetically with me. This tie is very similar to when I work with angelic teachers and guides. The dolphins always send the frequencies I am searching for with my clients on my table when I ask. If the sound is beyond my hearing range as a human they send it as a picture that I can use! This connection has taken my work to a whole new level.

Actually, the other day the dolphins had me work with one of their whale family members. It was not what I was expecting in that session! I am so grateful though.

If you would like to experience this work in the Bahamas, look into Also, two fantastic reads on this subject are: Souls in the Sea, Dolphins, Whales and Human Destiny, by Scott Taylor and Communicating with Orcas: The Whales’s Perspective, by Mary J. Getten.

*By the way, these dolphins are not captives. They are free. They choose to help us humans. They are 40,000 years older than us…and know a thing or two!

You just need to listen.
